Personal Definitions


Here you can find a compilation of personal definitions I asked people about, people who are also Biomedical Engineers (or who are studying it).

Some of those people are working in Spain, others abroad;  if you'd like to have a bit of an overview. 

Federal funding for biomedical sciences plays a critical role in training the next generation of scientists"- Carol W. Greider

" Biomedical engineering is the result of the application of engineering principles and techniques to the medical field. It is mainly dedicated to the design and construction of sanitary products and sanitary technologies" -- Beatriz Merino Garbacho, Ph.D. student (February 2020)

"Biomedical Engineering aims to address the multiple and diverse issues arising in the medical world by integrating the knowledge from a broad range of engineering disciplines, such as tissue, mechanical, computing, and communication engineering." -- Virginia Fernández, Ph.D. Student (February 2020)

"For me, the best summary I can make about biomedical engineering is that it is a motivating field that requires continuous self-improvement" -- Carmen Abelairas, Master Student at Linz University, Austria (February 2020)

"Provide help, knowledge, and solutions to staff and medical problems to focus more effective and less invasive treatments or therapies to the patient, facilitate the processes, we do not diagnose, but if we improve the treatment to facilitate the life of both the patient and the professionals " -- Aaron J. Perez, Degree student in Polytechnical University of Madrid (Mars 2020)

"Biomedical engineering is a discipline that places you as a point of union between medicine and engineering. Biomedical engineers propose improvements in diagnostic procedures and surgical interventions, as well as the application of engineering concepts in the human body (prostheses, implants, artificial tissues ...) and aimed at improving the quality of life (wearables, applications ...). It is a very broad discipline since it understands a large part of engineering fields such as electronics, mechanics, computer science ... so biomedical engineers can end up working with other engineers or in collaboration with doctors and health personnel." -- Anonymous, Engineer Gregorio Marañon, Madrid (Mars 2020)

"For me, it's the key career that gives you the tools to be an engineer in the healthcare field. It's the intermediary role, as an engineer, that allows you to directly help other jobs related to Medicine, more directly than any other engineer, who may specialize themselves but will never fully understand the whole complexity of that union role bioengineers play. " -- Javier Gil Castillo, Engineer & Researcher at CSIC, Madrid (Mars 2020)

"To me, Biomedical Engineering means to provide solutions or better understanding to medical or biological problems applying the principles of engineering."-- Anonymous, Ph.D. Student at Birmingham University (Mars 2020)

"For me, it is an interdisciplinary field that should not be studied in a four-year career if one seeks to obtain technical/scientific training that allows one to develop in a professional area. However, yes, it is a career that allows you to explore all areas of technology and innovation within the current healthcare situation. " -- Weiyi Chen, Engineer at IBM (Mars 2020)

"Discipline that improves healthcare and clinical practice by means of engineering" Barbara Brito, Engineer in London (Mars 2020)

"I personally do not feel as I can do a real definition about this career and the formation we have received, as far as I don't know if the post we have nowadays, and what we are working at is due to that education or other elements, such as personal compromise and behavior. I do not know, either, which percentage of our "success" in working life is due to that education. "-- Alfredo Madrid, Ph.D. Student at Hospital Clinico de Madrid (April 2020)

"Biomedical engineering means to be a way to make people's life easier. I think it is a huge field of research where there is a lot of work to do." -- Belen Yebenes, Engineer at Phillips (April 2020)

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