Job searching
A difficult task
Looking for a job is a job itself " -
You ought to be constant
When you are looking for a job, you are going to encounter some difficulties.
It implies a lot of time and dedication that you have to put into the task, which can be difficult if you are doing something else (for example you are already working but want to change or you are finishing your studies) but, paradoxically, can be even most difficult when you have nothing else to do.
Only the fact to look for the kind of job that might be the most appealing to you can be quite long. You have to check some parameters such as asked experience, deadline, and country, and once you have selected the jobs that seem to fit with your requests, I highly recommend you to go to the enterprise website and have a look at the company...
As you see it can quickly become a bit overwhelming, but do not fret!
Just follow the advice below! Another SciPy Stack core package and another Python Library that is tailored for the generation of simple and powerful visualizations with ease is Matplotlib.
It is a top-notch piece of software that is making Python (with the help of NumPy, SciPy, and Pandas) a cognizant competitor to such scientific tools as MatLab.
Put a limit
Have an established limit time for your job research. Do not spend more than two hours and a half per day looking at a job. It would be exhausting and unproductive, as you'll probably get lost in the many websites you'll visit by then. The risk is to lose focus and ending without sending any mail.
Also do not send more than five applications per day. You may think that five applications are no big deal and a small amount, but if you do so, that means you send almost twenty-five applications in a week, and more than one hundred in a month! It escalates very fast, so careful!
Be organised
You can begin by having using look the keywords. Then note down the companies that may interest you. Look at the salaries and other conditions. Select the most accurate ones, then have a look at other possibilities at the companies.
Or proceed by companies if you prefer. Or by city.
Doesn't matter how you decide to proceed, but follow a plan. I'll also advise you to write down the jobs. Why? Because I can swear, after two weeks of looking for a job, you'll have forgotten the applications you sent. And it will be very useful when they call you for an interview to know what you asked for.
Check regularly

Even if you have sent a lot of applications to the same place, you'll have to come back to check there are no new posts, or even if the application is still open. Of course, you cannot do that for every single one you sent, but you must come back. Think that each recruiter receives a high amount of applications and you'll probably never get an answer, but maybe in the future your profile can be appealing. Think also that maybe a company doesn't have your dream post now, but can propose you something interesting later.
And once you have begun the sending, you can quickly forget about some possibilities. That is why having a good organization (have a list, note down the information somewhere or even create an excel if you must) is very important.
Have a nice network
The organization doesn't mean anything if you do not have a good network. Indeed, you'll probably manage to get yourself a job, but how easier it could be if you use your contacts and influence!
Everybody begins from the beginning. Except in very rare cases, it is normal you do not have a powerful network. Do not worry about that. Built it slowly, but do it. Look for companies, connect with the recruiters and with people that may work at them, present yourself, send spontaneous applications (if they are allowed! ), assist to seminaries, enter groups... etc!
Caution: building a network does not mean accepting everybody on LinkedIn. Try to keep your profiles in the job applications you use professionally. Focus on your field and the kind of job you seek. Protect your privacy too.
Do never stop looking at jobs
You get a job! Congratulations!
It was a difficult task and the way seemed long and boring or frustrating by moments, but now you can stop your research!
I know I know. The last thing you wanna do is looking for other jobs. You just entered one, maybe you even love it and you must focus on being good at it. However, except you don't wanna keep moving or you are at the end of your professional career, I would say that you still check a little for new offers. You don't know what can be published, and between the time you sent an application and the moment they hire you (if so), it can be months. So have a look regularly, as you should -and at the beginning of a professional career - keep moving to build an interesting background. Keep in mind your desires and goals.
Sometimes this can help you to know better what you want. Of course, be committed, serious, and implied with your current job, but never stop looking, even if less frequently.
A bit of a research
As said before, you should a bit of research about the company, the job, or the field you are seeking. The recruiters must see you interested, that you didn't just send an application but it is also important for yourself, to have a clear insight of what the company offers, how they proceed and what kind of evolution they may offer!
So I will tell you to look:
- The company history
- The mission and the vision
-Their presence worldwide
-Their projects
-Their cashflow
Make time for interviews
Interviews are essential.
There is not the only reason they will hire you, but they are an important part as it is your presentation card, your chance to give a good impression and to be noted by other candidates.
You should try to give your best at an interview, should it be on the phone, facetime, or in person!
Sometimes, there is only one interview. Other times, there is a very long recruitment process up to four even five encounters!
Be patient. Try to dress up properly and be as honest and appealing as possible. And make time for them! You must arrive on time and do not hurry. With another job or as you are still studying, it can be a bit difficult to find a moment, but you have to, so you can be calm and collected for it.
A nice C.V.
Your C.V., Curriculum Vitae, is a very important part of getting a job. It has to be visual, eye-catching, and appealing. The picture is crucial.
You musthighlight your skills, what makes you different and more suitable as a candidate. If you are at the beginning of a professional career, try to be concise and have only one -page-curriculum.
And do not fill it with too much information! It has to be readable. You can use doodles so it is easier to read.
For more advice, check the C.V. post (WIP).
Believe in yourself
Believe me, looking for a job can be desperate. You may think you'll never find a job, get impatient, think you are not good enough, or on the contrary, do not understand why you are not called when you obviously are the ideal candidate.
It is normal. Just keep trying and believe in yourself!
Apart from "Biomedical Engineering", "Bioengineering", "Healthcare" and "LifeScience", which are like the four essential keywords, here you have my personal of essentials:
* Industry: some examples
- Programming
- Machine Learning
- Clinical development
- Tissue/Cell Biology
- Of course, this will depend on your expectations and experience, but you have to think also that to create the opportunity to be chosen, you must put some of the words related to the field you are interested in, even if you don't have the experience, to overcome that first filter.
*International Environment
* (Team) Leadership
* Negotiation
* (Interpersonal) Communication
* Intercultural Communication
*Visual/Written Communication
* Problem Solving
- You will need - it will be helpful too - to add some keywords about technologies, and any other complementary skills, this part is more personal but really important. For example, if you put the word "programming" you'll have to complete it ( Java, LabView, Arduino...) or any other interesting skill you think will be important.
Use the right tools
Not a single of the previous advice would work if you do not go to the correct places to look after a job. Therefore, I made a shortlist of which are, for me, the best site webs for job-searching and network-looking. Check it out here.