
It's the junction field between bioengineering and medical devices.

In the origins, the term was used in traditional hardware-based systems to include, or be, biological materials (sometimes derived from an individual's cells to avoid rejection -see theregenerative medicine section).

As the industry grows, so do the jobs and demand for technical personnel to support the manufacturing processes.

Nowadays biomedical devices include any device which purpose is to replace a part of the body or improve a function. It includes a wide range of devices from wearables devices ( related totelemedicine) to implants, including prothesis and exoskeletons ( related to biorobotics).

Personal appreciation 

I think that biomedical devices are the ultimate expression of bioengineering purpose and the most visible one. Furthermore, it probably is the branch of biomedicine more affordable to people as biomedical devices can be made in various materials and budgets making them available in many places where there are needed.

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